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JMM 6, Spring 2008, section 8

in the Area of Music-and-Meaning Studies


Arom, S. & Alvarez-Péreyre, F. (2007). Précis d’ethnomusicologie. CNRS Editions. [comment]
Becker, A. & Vogel, M. (eds.) (2007). Musikalischer Sinn: Beiträge zu einer Philosophie der Musik. Suhrkamp. [comment]
Bowie, Andrew (2007). Music, Philsophy, and Modernity. Cambridge University Press. [comment]
Cook, Nicolas (2007). Music, Performance, Meaning. Ashgate. [comment]
Emmerson, Simon (2007). Living Electronic Music. Ashgate. [comment]
Haas, R. & Brandes, V. (eds.) (2008). Music that works: Biology, Neurophysiology, Psychology, Sociology, Medicine, and Musicology. Springer. [comment]
Hamilton, Andy (2007). Aesthetics and Music. Continuum International Publishing Group. [comment]
Jan, Steven (2007). The Memetics of Music: A Neo-darwinian View of Musical Structure and Culture. Ashgate. [comment]
Kramer, Lawrence (2007). Why Classical Music Still Matters. University of California Press. [comment]
Landy, Lei (2007). Understanding the Art of Sound Organization. MIT Press. [comment]
Leman, Marc (2007). Embodied Music Cognition and Mediation Technology. MIT Press. [comment]
Mohr, G. & Kreuzer, J. (eds.) (forthcomming). Vom Sinn des Hörens: Zur Philosophie der Musik. Königshausen & Neumann. [comment]
North, A. & Hargreaves, D. (eds.) (2008). The Social and Applied Psychology of Music. Oxford University Press. [comment]
Nussbaum, Charles O. (2007). The Musical Representation: Meaning, Ontology, and Emotion. MIT Press. [comment]
Patel, Aniruddh D. (2007). Music, Language, and the Brain. Oxford University Press. [comment]
Pratt, Carroll C. (2007). The Meaning of Music: A Study in Psychological Aesthetics. Kessinger Publishing. [comment]
Sacks, Oliver (2007). Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain. Knopf. [comment]
Stock, Kathleen (2007). Philosophers on Music: Experience, Meaning, and Work. Oxford University Press. [comment]
Thompson, William Forde (forthcomming). Music, Thought, and Feeling: The Psychology of Music. Oxford University Press. [comment]
Tomlinson, Gary (2007). Music and Historical Critique. Ashgate. [comment]