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JMM 1, Fall 2003, section 6

in the Area of Music-and-Meaning Studies


Accaoui, C. (2001). Le temps musical. Paris: Desclée de Brouwer. [comment]
Attali, J. (2001). Bruits. Fayard. [comment](1)
Ayari, M. (2003). L'ecoute des musiciens arabes improvisée: Essai de psychologie cognitive de l'audition. Paris: L'Harmattan. [comment](2)
Bartel, D. (2002). Musica Poetica: Musical-Rhetorical Figures in German Baroque Music. University of Nebraska Press. [comment]
Beaman, J. (2003). How we hear music. Woodbridge, Rochester: Boydell Press. [comment]
Beran, J. (2003). Statistics in Musicology. CRC Press. [comment]
Braun, H.-J. (2002). Music and Technology in the Twentieth Century. John Hopkins University Press. [comment]
Chevallier, B. (2003). Le cerveau de Mozart. Odile Jakob. [comment]
Chouard, C. (2001). L'Oreille musicienne : les chemins de la musique de l'oreille au cerveau. Gallimard. [comment]
Chouvel, J.-M. & Lévy F. (eds.) (2002). Observation, analyse, modèle: Peut-on parler d'art avec les outils de la science. [Les cahiers de l'Ircam]. L'Harmattan. [comment]
Cumming, N. (2001). The Sonic Self: Musical Subjectivity and Signification. Indiana University Press. [comment]
Green, A. (ed.) (2000). Musique et sociologie: Enjeux méthodologiques et approches empiriques. Paris: L'Harmattan. [comment]
Hesse, H.-P. (2003). Musik und Emotion: Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen des Musik-Erlebens. Wien: Springer. [comment]
Holsinger, B.W. (2001). Music, Body, and Desire in Medieval Culture: Hildegard of Bingen to Chaucer. Stanford University Press. [comment]
Imberty, M. (ed.) (2001). De l'ecoute à l'oeuvre, études interdisciplinaires. [Sciences de l'education nationale]. Paris: L'Harmattan. [comment]
Jourdain, R. (2001). Das wohltemperierte Gehirn: Wie Musik im Kopf entsteht und wirkt. Spektrum Verlag. [comment]
Kassler, J.C. (2002). Music, Science, Philosophy: Models in the Universe of Thought. Ashgate publishing company. [comment]
Katz, R. & Hacohen, R. (2002). Tuning the Mind: Connecting Aesthetics to Cognitive Science. Transaction Pub. [comment]
Kivy, P. (2001). The Possessor and the Possessed: Handel, Mozart, Beethoven, and the Idea of Musical Genius. Yale University Press. [comment]
Klein, R., Kiem, E. & Ette, W. (2001). Musik in der Zeit. Göttingen: Velbrück Wissenschaft. [comment]
Korsyn, K.E. (2003). Decentering Music: a Critique of Contemporary Musical Research. Oxford university press. [comment]
Mâche, F. (2001). Musique au singulier. Odile Jakob. [comment]
Malhomme, F. (ed.) (2002). Musica rhetoricans. Presses de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne. [comment]
Marschner, B. (2002). Zwischen Einfühlung und Abstraktion. Århus: Aarhus University Press. [comment]
Olive, J.-P., Kogler, S., Déotte, J.-L. & Chouvel, J.-M. (2003). Musique et mémoire: Actes des journées d'études, Université Paris 8, 29-30 novembre 2001. L'Harmattan. [comment]
Ouvry-Vial, B. Recherche et creation. [comment]
Peretz, I. & Zatorre, R.J. (eds.) (2003). The Cognitive Neuroscience of Music. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [comment]
Pineau, M. & Tillmann, B. (2001). Percevoir la musique: une activité cognitive. L'Harmattan. [comment]
Prieto, E. (2003). Listening in: Music, Mind, and the Modernist Narrative. University of Nebraska Press. [comment]
Roederer, J.G. (1999). Physikalische und psychoakustische Grundlagen der Musik. Springer Verlag. [comment]
Rothenberg, D. & Ulvaeus, M. (2001). The Book of Music and Nature: An Anthology of Sounds, Words, Thoughts. Wesleyan University Press. [comment]
Sangild, T. (2003). Støjens Æstetik. Copenhagen: Multivers. [comment](1)
Sève, B. (2002). L'Altération ou ce que la musique apprend au philosophe. Seuil. [comment]
Solomos, S., Soulez, A. & Vaggione, H. Formel Informel: musique philosophie. L'Harmattan. [comment]
Spitzer, M. (2003). Musik im Kopf. Stuttgart: Schattauer Verlag. [comment]
Szendy, P. (2002). Membres fantômes: Des corps musiciens. Editions de Minuit. [comment]
Szendy, P. (ed.) (2001). L'ecoute. [Les cahiers de l'Ircam]. Ircam. [comment]
Tarasti, E. (2002). Signs of Music: A Guide to Musical Semiotics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter Verlag. [comment]
Taylor, T.D. (2001). Strange Sounds: Music, Technology and Culture. Routledge. [comment]
Vinet, H. & Delalande, F. (2000). Interfaces homme-machine et création musicale. Hermes Sciences Publications. [comment]
Wallin, N.L., Merker, B. & Brown Steven (1999). The Origins of Music. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [comment]
White, H. & Murphy, M. (eds.) (2001). Musical Constructions of Nationalism: Essays on the History and Ideology of European Musical Culture 1800-1945. Cork University Press. [comment]
Zatorre, R.J. & Peretz, I. (eds.) (2001). The Biological Foundations of Music. New York: New York Academy of Sciences. [comment]
Zbikowski, L. (2002). Conceptualizing Music: Cognitive Structure, Theory and Analysis. [Ams studies in music series]. Oxford university press. [comment]


Hauser, Marc D. & McDermott, Josh (2003). The evolution of the music faculty: a comparative perspective. Nature Neuroscience 6, 663-668. [comment]
Morley, I. (2002). Evolution of the Neurological and Physiological Capacities for music. Cambridge Archeological Journal 12 (2), 195-216. [comment]
Panskepp, J. & Bernatzky, G. (2002). Emotional sounds and the brain: the neuro-affective foundations of musical appreciation. Behavioural Processes 60, 133-155. [comment]
Peretz, I. (2002). Brain specialization for music. The Neuroscientist 8, 374-382. [comment]
Peretz, I. & Coltheart, M. (2003). Modularity of music processing. Nature Neuroscience 6, 688-691. [comment]
Trevarthen, C. & Malloch, S. (2002). Musicality and Music Before Three: Human Vitality and Invention Shared with Pride. Zero to Three 23 (1), 10-18. [comment]
Zatorre, R.J., Belin, P. & Penhune, V.B. (2002). Structure and function of auditory cortex: music and speech. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 6, 37-46. [comment]